Verifique se um site está online ou não.
Descubra o seu agente de usuário.
Descubra o seu endereço IP.
Meça o ping para qualquer endereço.
Insira o link encurtado de URL e encontre a versão original.
Verifique o certificado SSL de qualquer site.
Crie códigos QR infinitos instantaneamente.
Read QR Codes from Image.
Analise o cabeçalho HTTP para qualquer URL.
Generate UUIDv4 IDs.
Download YouTube Thumbnails
Validate emails individually or in bulk.
Checker whether a URL has a Redirect.
Generate numbers randomly with constraints.
Convert RGB Colors to Hexcodes.
Convert Hex Colors to RGB.
Convert to & from UNIX Timestamps.
Convert / Encode text to Binary.
Convert / Decode Binary to Text.
Encode Text to Base64.
Encode Base64 To Text.
Convert image to Base64 String.
Convert Markdown format to HTML.
Convert HTML Documents to Markdown.
Convert CSV to JSON Format
Convert JSON to CSV Format
Convert JSON to XML.
Convert XML To JSON.
Online JSON Viewer, JSON Beautifier and Formatter to beautify and tree view of JSON data.
JSON Validator is the free online validator tool for JSON.
Encode data into ROT13
Decode ROT13 encoded data.
Convert Unicode to Punycode.
Convert Punycode to Unicode.
Convert JPG to PNG easily online.
Convert JPG to WEBP easily online.
Convert PNG to JPG easily online.
Convert PNG to WEBP easily online.
Convert WEBP to JPG easily online.
Convert WEBP to PNG easily online.
Compress images easily online.
Resize any Image.
Convert any Memory / Storage Units.
Type a value in any of the fields to convert between Length measurements.
Free online HTML code editor with instant live preview. Enter your code in the editor and see the preview changing as you type. Compose your documents easily without installing any program.
Type a value in any of the fields to convert between speed measurements.
Type a value in any of the fields to convert between temperature measurements.
Type a value in any of the fields to convert between weight measurements.
Generate secure random passwords.
Check the strength of your Passwords
Generate MD5 hashes from text.
Generate SHA hashes from text.
Generate Bcrypt Hashes
Generate different types of hashes.
Count the Words & Letters in Text.
Generate placeholder lorem ipsum words & paragraphs.
Separate Text based on Characters.
Delete duplicate lines from text.
Remove Line Breaks from Text
Extract E-Mails from Text
Extract URLs from Text
Generate SEO & OpenGraph tags for your website.
Generate Twitter Cards for website embeds.
Encode HTML into HTML Entities.
Decode HTML Entities into HTML.
Get Rid of HTML Tags in Code.
Minify your HTML Code for size reduction.
Minify your CSS code for size reduction.
Minify your JS code for size reduction.
Format HTML code that is unformatted.
Format CSS code that is unformatted.
Format JS code that is unformatted.
Protect your JavaScript code by obfuscating it.
Format SQL Queries
Generate Privacy Policy pages for your website.
Generate TOS for your website.
Generate Robots.txt Files
Generate HTACCESS Redirects
Download any webpage's source code
Replace any string occurences in text.
Reverse any piece of text.
Find out the density of words in text.
Check whether a string is a palindrome or not.
Change the case of text.
Convert Text to Slug / Permalink.
This online tool randomizes / shuffle text lines provided as input. Get the random lines.
To encode a regular text to Quoted Printable, type in the box on top and click the Encode button.
To decode a regular text to Quoted Printable, type in the box on top and click the Decode button.
Countdown Timer that counts down in seconds, minutes and hours.
Fast Stopwatch and Online Countdown timer always available when you need it.
Scientific Calculator with double-digit precision that supports both button click and keyboard type.
The time zone abbreviations and acronyms worldwide.
Dive into the world of gooey fun! Spin the wheel to craft your unique slime masterpiece.
Coin Flip is an online heads or tails coin toss simulator.
Text repeater is an online tool to generate a single word or string multiple times.
Aim Trainer is a free browser game that is specifically designed to improve the players aim.
Rotate only images with portrait or landscape orientation at once.
Grayscale image is an online free tool to convert images into Grayscale.
Date Picker Calendar allow the selection of a specific date and year.
Online Text Sharing easy way to share text online.
Generate Domain names from keywords.
Get WHOIS Information about a domain name.
Get Hostname from any IP Address
Get IP Address from a Hostname
Get information about any IP
Check HTTP Status Codes from URLs
Parse and extract details from URL.
Online dnslookup is a web based DNS client that queries DNS records for a given domain name.
What browser do I have? Find out my browser.
Open Port Checker online
Calculate BMI with weight in pounds, stones or kilograms. Enter height in inches, feet and inches, meters or centimeters.
Free advanced online tool to Test and check your SMTP server.
Test if Gzip is working on your website.